I'm letting you guys in on one of my newest health obsessions - OXiGEN Water! It's been my go-to form of hydration when I'm at the gym, traveling or working with clients all day!
In case you haven't heard of it - OXiGEN products contain ASO®, or activated stabilized oxygen, which is a proprietary O4 molecule that’s highly stable. OXiGEN™ water is delicious distilled water, 1,000 parts per million (PPM) of stabilized oxygen and a bit of sea salt. That’s it!
OXiGEN™ water goes to work almost immediately - clearing lactic acid from the blood and boosting the body’s oxygen levels. As this happens, I'm able to experience faster recovery from exercise (which means I can push harder or get back to training sooner!) It also helps me recover faster from oxygen deprivation during air travel, general fatigue, or over-consumption of alcohol! [Hellooo hangover cure!] The products contain NO sugar or caffeine [or calories!] so I don't feel the “rush” or subsequent scary “crash” that’s associated with other sports drinks & energy shots!
- Studies confirm the stabilized oxygen in OXiGEN™ water speeds up lactate clearance, making for faster recovery post-exercise. Benefits of increased oxygen also include: improved endurance, improved stamina, greater mental clarity, decreased hangover effects.
- pH balanced formula with no sugar, no caffeine, no unhealthy additives.
- OXiGEN water contains a proprietary O4 molecule, NOT compressed gas, so the added oxygen stays in the bottle even upon opening.
- Topping up your oxygen levels with OXiGEN water allows you to recover faster from all of life’s stresses. Whether it’s exercise, a long day at the office, juggling your family’s needs, or studying for a big exam, we can all use more oxygen than what we get simply from breathing. Used by pro athletes, weekend warriors, busy professionals, students, and busy parents everywhere.