If you’re anything like me, one of your *new years resolutions* is probablyyy to get back into the gym, eat healthier & get back in shape after a holiday that was filled with a few too many slices of pie! I know it can be so hard to muster up the motivation to hit the gym, go for a run or make it to yoga class in the morning – but one thing that helps me is having my workout outfit ready to go! Cute, bright, comfortable clothes make exercising that much better, so I went through some of my favorite sites & picked out tons of awesome workout outfit options to help you stick to your resolution!
There are so many awesome accessories to help keep you on track with your resolution, like the FitBit [and now there are even cute covers for them!] I also love the Swell water bottles to help remind me to get enough water in through out the day! If you’re a yoga fan – having a bright, fun mat is great motivation to get your butt to that early morning class & a quality pair of headphones always makes listening to your gym playlist that much better.